Big Fortune
We can't fool the mind; it knows the limits of our control and the outsize role of fortune. Accepting this truth puts the mind at ease.
Best Expectation
Expecting the best from others, even when they are not at their best, is a gift to all beings. Our expectations create our reality.
Choosing a Wise Response
We can only respond to what happens in life. A wise response can make the best of a bad or good situation and create a better future.
The Straight Path
Identifying and addressing the emotions driving us is a path to lasting fulfillment. We can spend a lifetime trying to get there indirectly.
Living Graciously
Relationships are good places to practice gracious emotional habits. We learn to allow and feel in our being and then extend it to others.
Awareness helps us to see the emotions that are keeping us stuck. Allowing and feeling emotion frees us so we can act wisely.
Magic Works
We must work backward from magic when setting goals. An ideal approach deals with obstacles that arise and doesn't create them in the mind.
In it Together
We suffer less when we recognize our common bond with all beings. In every struggle, we can feel compassion for others who feel the same.
About the Author
Herv DaCosta is a writer exploring topics reflecting on life and inner peace.