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Welcome to Books & Blogs

Reviews, Blogs, and Recommendations

Interested in contributing? See Submission Guidelines 

Round Library


The Sunday Read: 'The Social Life of Forests'

Forest Path

Along the Path

Welcome to the Kalmbach Memorial Park blog.

Nature |   Kalmbach Encounters  |   Poems|  Short Stories

Forest Path
Notebook and Fountain Pen


Submission Process: Send your submission via email to with the subject line "Blog Submission: [Your Title]." Expect a response within TBD.

1 / Content Relevancy

Aim for informative, engaging, and original content that adds value to the community. No more than 2-3 pages.

2 / Supporting Media

We accept images and photos! Please ensure you have the right to use these images and provide proper attribution if necessary.


Formatting Tips: Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability. If you include links, ensure they direct to reputable sources or relevant local organizations.

3 / Author Information

Include a brief author bio (2-3 sentences) at the end of your submission, along with your contact information. This helps readers connect with you and allows us to reach you for any follow-up.

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